aopFM | CW-EH

The inaugural Pinesi Paddle, retracing Algonquin Grand Chief Constant Pinesi’s route from his annual summering place at Oka, Que. to his hunting grounds in Ottawa will begin June 26th at Oka National Park, Que. Led by Algonquins from Pikwakanagan First Nation, the 154 km, 6-day paddle along the Ottawa River will include direct descendants of Chief Pinesi, other indigenous people, and settlers, ending in Ottawa on July 1st along Pinesi’s vital portage route to the Rideau River in New Edinburgh.

Soundtrack provided by aopFM

The CW-EH Team put together a collection of International Indigenous songs to power the paddlers on their journey. The playlist is all genres, all nations, and all deadly. 

We do our best to ensure indigenous authenticity, but if you see someone on this playlist who shouldn’t be, shoot us a message.

We have a few other playlists published for your listening pleasure, and we are streaming 24/7 here.